
Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Being bullied at school, home or online might involve someone pushing you, hitting you, teasing you, talking about you or calling you names. Nobody has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad. If you are being bullied you don’t have to deal with it alone. We are here to help you.


Childline can help.


If you are being bullied, it can sometimes feel like nothing can make it stop, especially if it has been happening for a long time. Bullying can leave you feeling anxious, depressed, lonely, worthless and scared – but it doesn’t have to be like this.  You can get help through Childline by calling a counsellor free on 0800 1111


Copyright © 2015 NSPCC / All rights reserved. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.


Tips for parents and carers to help children deal with bullying and cyberbullying


It can be really distressing to discover that your child is being bullied. However hard it is, try to stay calm and don’t jump to conclusions. Your child may be really worried about talking to you about the bullying, and scared that it’ll make the situation worse.


These tips will help you keep them safe whether you’ve found out that they’re being bullied or you want to make sure they know what to do it if happens to them or someone they know.


Click here for more information NSPCC: Cyber Bullying and Bullying.


Useful information


Childline: Bounce Back from Bullying



Anti Bullying Network



NSPCC: Bullying and cyberbullying



NHS Choices: Coping with cyberbullying



Young Minds
