Extremism is when an individual or group have extreme views which may be hateful, dangerous or against the law.
Terrorism is when an individual or group of people use violence to harm and scare others.
Radicalisation is when an individual develops extreme views and ideologies that may lead towards causing harm to others. Children and young people at risk of radicalisation may display changes in their behaviours, views and beliefs.
People have a right to express their opinions however, it becomes a concern to everybody, including families, schools, communities and police, if a person begins to encourage or use violence to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal.
Useful Contacts
Information for children and young people about Radicalisation, extremism and terrorism. What to do if you are worried about yourself or someone else.
Educate against hate
Educate against hate is a website that gives advice and support to parents and school staff about radicalisation, what the warning signs are and how what to do if you have concerns that an individual or group are at risk.
There is no single way of identifying an individual who is likely to be susceptible to a terrorist ideology. As with managing other safeguarding risks, school staff should be alert to changes in children’s behaviour which could indicate that they may be in need of help or protection. Children at risk of radicalisation may display different signs or seek to hide their views.
Channel Programme
Channel is a programme which focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. School staff and childcare providers should understand when it is appropriate to make a referral to the Channel programme.
Let’s Talk About It
The Let’s Talk About It website provides information enabling people to learn more about Prevent with an aim to safeguard those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. There is a range of supportive material on the website which also provides links to partner agencies to help people spot the signs of radicalisation at an early stage: ltai.info
JAN Trust
JAN Trust is a multi-award winning charity empowering and providing leadership for women in order to create positive and active citizens of society: jantrust.org
FAST – Families Against Stress and Trauma
FAST is a UK based organisation that was created to help families affected by a loved one travelling to Syria and Iraq. They provide support to vulnerable families and individuals because they understand the pain and distress it caused to those left behind. FAST believes that families matter and families make a difference: familiesmatter.org.uk
Inspire is a counter-extremism and human rights organisation which seeks to address inequalities facing British Muslim women. By empowering women, Inspire aims to create positive social change resulting in a more democratic, peaceful and fairer Britain: wewillinspire.com
Connect Justice
Connect Justice works in the areas of social justice and security to facilitate relationships between communities, NGOs and state actors, using research to inform policy and practice: connectjustice.org
Police Forces
To find your local police service, please click the following link: police.uk